The League of NBVZK
Brave, Daring, Fearless 

A Pierce Williams Davidson Rodriguez Production

Meet the Team:

Jonathan "The Amputator" 
Motto "zombies don't need all their appendages"

Aaron "The Silent Death" 
Motto "they can't eat what they can't hear"

Crystal "The Wig Splitter" 
Motto "head shots are my specialty"

Christa Ann "The Clear Cutter"
Motto "they keep coming, I keep mowing them down"

Donna "The Bait"
Motto "run away! run away!"

Ricky "Kill'em All"
Motto "re-dead the undead"

Kayla "TBD"
Motto "?"

Family Beat Saber Competition

Starts 07/27/20  Ends 08/09/20

Play Beat Saber $100 Bills as many times as you like.

Come back to the website and send your best score. You can send your best score under the Family Beats Saber Contest under the Home Menu on the left. If you're on your cell phone, click on the three lines on the top left corner to access the menu and then select "Family Beat Saber Contest". Fill out the form and send it. You can put your score in the Message portion. 

I will post the scores after August 9th and there will be prizes!

Let the competition begin!

Beat Saber Contest Update!!

Set Level to Easy

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